D-Penicillamine 250 mg capsules
- Rheumatoid arthritis, including juvenile manifestations, when the disease is resistant to other treatments.
- Hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson’s Disease).
- Heavy metals intoxication.
- Cystinuria
Dosage and route of administration
Rheumatoid Polyarthritis:
it is recommended to start the treatment with a low dose and increase it gradually.
Normally, the dosage in adults must be within 125-250 mg daily during the first four weeks of treatment, increasing gradually every 4-8 weeks until improvement is reached.
The usual dose range is between 500-700 mg daily, although doses of 1000 mg daily could be necessary. However, it is recommended to maintain the lowest effective dose.
It is recommended to start treatment with 50-100 mg daily and gradually increase this dosage to 10-20 mg/kg daily. It is recommended
to maintain the lowest effective dose.
Lead or other heavy metals intoxication: 500-1000 mg daily.
Wilson’s disease and Cystinuria:
Dosage must be titrated individually based on the levels of copper or cysteine respectively excreted in urine.
Normally, the usual doses in adults would be 2000-1000 mg daily and 20 mg/kg daily in children.
Due to the penicillamine effects on collagen, it is recommended to stop treatment or reduce the dose to 250 mg daily if the patient is to undergo surgery.Treatment should restart only when the wound is completely healed.
CUPRIPEN® is supplied in 250 mg capsules (30 capsules per box)